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Dream Journal

The Importance of Routine

The Importance of Routine

I don’t deny, on hearing we were all to be confined to our homes for the foreseeable future, I did have some degree of excitement about getting up late, lounging around in our pyjama’s and generally watching a lot of TV…HOW WRONG WAS I?…after 3 days of it, (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) the Sleepy Wilson household were a quivering mess. (OK just me then).

However, I have learned that I, like many others; need routine and structure, not only to survive, but to thrive! So, for those of us who need to work from home, I thought it might help to lay out a few tips that have got me through the first week of Working from Home/ Homeschooling:

  1. Get Up!  At the same time you would normally - it lets your body know you still mean business, even if everything around you is falling to pieces.

  2. Wear Proper Clothes - you’d think, I of all people would encourage you to stay in your Sleepy Wilson’s all day - not so, keep those beauties for later, when you know you’ve put a day’s work in and deserve a treat!

  3. Shoes, Not Slippers! - I don’t know what it is, but if I don’t have the right shoes on, I can’t hold a proper conversation (conference call, video chat) or translate ideas from my head onto paper (or computer for that matter) - right now I’m sporting a very colourful pair of heels that actually paralyse me if i walk for more than 10 minutes in them, but at home? Perfect! 

  4. Create a Schedule. – Try setting out work time and play time and include a plan for your meals for the day - especially if you have kids. Mine seem to think the kitchen is open 24 hours a day and that I’m there purely to serve their every nonsensical whim (I drew the line at homemade popcorn and ice cream for breakfast). Quite frankly, without routine, my day seems to be punctuated by meals and snacks…followed by copious amounts of WINE!

I would like to point out, that these are my personal opinions, each of us must choose what works best for them. Our situation is still very new and while the future is scarily uncertain, it has helped me to know this week that we are not alone fighting the same battles.

Thank you all for your words of support and encouragement towards our little family brand, they really do mean the world. 

To throw in a little bit of cheer we are now on Sale so there is 30% off our whole range until Easter Sunday. Packed and checked personally by us with free delivery.

Sleep Well. Stay Safe.


Love Paula x